My VisComm class was assigned the task of making a poster on an environmental topic this semester. We chose a general sub-topic (water, land use, etc.) from a list of options, and then researched and created an informational poster to summarize that particular aspect of the environment. I chose to work on biodiversity, and then decided…
Tag: VisComm
Grids and boxes
Every once in a while you catch yourself using the same approach to solve different problems. Sometimes that’s a good thing, and the insight gives you another tool in your repertoire. And sometimes, you realize that you’re applying the wrong solution, and a different approach might work better. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve come…
VisComm: Rights of Man typesetting crit 1
The first assignment for my Visual Communications class was to typeset 10 versions of Article 4 from the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. The first 5 versions were to be kept simple: one size of font, and formatted as simple paragraphs. The second set of compositions could be more elaborate: multiple typefaces,…