My p5.js class with Pedro Cruz has been working on building a visualization of the CrunchBase database, which gives a list of major companies and who has invested in them. We started the class by building the basic program structure together in a working-group format. At the beginning of each class, Pedro would list a series of tasks on…
Tag: p5.js
VizTech2: Beautiful Particles
I mentioned in my last post about VizTech2 (my P5.js course, with Pedro Cruz) that we had learned how to make a fireworks display using particle systems. At first, the sketch made fireworks when you clicked with the mouse. Then, we taught it to generate new fireworks by implementing a “lifetime” for each particle. If too…
IDStudio, VizTech2: Compositions, and fireworks
I’ve noticed that I tend to forget to post about my programming classes. I think it’s because we’re often doing things that seem pretty basic, or that don’t ever quite feel finished. But it’s still good to record progress, so here are a few things that I’ve been coding over the past couple of weeks….